
self initiated • My Role: Design, Lettering

Fauxsaics are lettering-based, travel-inspired, digital mosaic illustrations where the form is dictated by the limitations of traditional mosaic technique. See the entire series here. Each fauxsaic is composed of up to 10,000 tiles, which are drawn and colored individually. 

This series is still relatively new, but it has been developing in a variety of exciting ways: Recently, I created a fauxsaic for the cover of the Village Voice, I'm also partnering with a local mosaic studio to create real floor mosaics for a retail boutique opening in Manhattan, and I'm interested in creating large-scale temporary mosaic and tile installations (in floor vinyl) for openings, conferences, etc. Let's chat about how a mosaic (faux or otherwise) might be a good fit for your project. 

featured on: designboom, plain magazine, creative boom, abduzeedo, denewwws, designcollector, nice fucking graphics, mundo flaneur, macho dominante, designspiration, ihavethisthingwithfloors, form fifty five. for more and links to each article click here

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